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I mi smo reagovali i krenuli sam maženjem. Završili smo sa pakovanjem i krenuli na put.

Stojeci, poceo sam da je ljubim svlaceci joj deo po deo odece, otkrivajuci joj svaki sledeci deo tela za poljubac. Ima lepo oblikovanu i cvrstu guzu koja se najbolje ocrtavala u uskim farmerkama koje cesto nosi. A ipak, stid, strah, zbunjenost... Ona je dremala, a ja sam povlacio ruku gore-dole od njenih kolena do vrhova prstiju i nazad.

Forum - Primijetila je da je gledam i blago crvenila u licu. Moja Branka je videla da drkam, samo mi se nasmešila, zatvorila oči i nastavila da uživa.

Dakle, razmišljate o trojci? Njemu je to najveća želja i najčešća fantazija, a vi se želite pokazati liberalno u krevetu. Ali pre nego što dodate treću - ili trećeg - u svoj krevet, pročitajte iskustva. Nije uvek jednostavno kao što izgleda na filmu... Pristala sam samo da udovoljim dečku S Goranom sam bila otprilike mesec dana i dok smo ležali u krevetu, predložio je da uključimo drugaricu. Nisam se oduševila idejom, ali on me nastavio nagovarati. Nakon pet meseci njegova moljakanja, pristala sam. Osećala sam se pomalo krivom što mu ne ostvarujem tu želju, a nisam htela ispasti loša levojka. Na dan kad smo dogovorili seks u troje sa njegovom drugaricom Anom, dobila sam menstruaciju. Goran je ne voli takav seks pa sam pomislila da će odustati, ali nije ni pomišljao menjati svoj plan. Našli smo se u njegovom stanu, pili vino i oboje se počeli ljubiti s Anom. Nije bilo ni približno loše kao što sam očekivala, sve do trenutka kad su se njih dvoje počeli seksati. Osetila sam užasnu ljubomoru, sklonila sam Anu sa njega i krenula je oralno obrađivati samo kako bih sprečila da se njih dvoje seksaju. Sve mi je bilo totalno neobično. Kad smo završili, osećala sam se poniženo, kao da me Goran prisilio, i brzo nakon toga raskinula sam sa njim. Probala sam seks u troje dok sam studirala u inostranstvu Tokom studiranja provela sam semestar u Londonu. Bila je subota veče, lagano sam se dosađivala pa sam otišla u obližnji klub i tu upoznala visokog, prezgodnog Alana, koji me upoznao sa svojim ćelavim ali vrlo seksi! Izmenila sam broj sa Alanom, a dva dana kasnije pozvao me da te subote dođem na piće kod Tima. Taj mi je dan bio rođendan pa sam prvo sa drugaricama otišla u grad, a potom svratila kod njih. Za svaki slučaj, drugarici sam dala adresu gde se nalazim. Alan je pomešao votku sa sokom od brusnice i počeli smo neobavezno čavrljati na sofi. Sat vremena kasnije Tim je napustio sobu, a Alan iskoristio priliku i poljubio me. Nemam pojma kako, našli smo se u Timovoj spavaćoj i počeli seksati. Deset minuta kasnije Tim se pojavio na vratima. Shvatila sam da žele u troje i pomislila - rođendan mi je, u inostranstvu sam, red je da proširim vidike, pa zašto ne? I učinila sam to. Alan i ja smo se seksali dok je Tim gledao. Potom me Tim poljubio i počeli smo voditi ljubav, a Alan me milovao i šaptao mi seksi rečenice. Dok smo ležali u krevetu, osećaj je bio sasvim čudan, ali nisam žalila zbog učinjenog. Alan mi se stvarno svidio. Ujutro je morao na posao, a Tim je napravio kafu i doručak pa sam se, nakon čavrljanja o svemu i svačemu, oko podneva počela osećati malo blesavo što sam još u tuđem stanu. Poslala sam Alanu poruku, on je uzvratio da ga je posao zadržao, ali da ćemo se čuti. Poljubila sam Tima i otišla. Uveče sam dobila Alanovu poruku: Prošla je noć bila zabavna. Bilo mi je drago što se javio pa sam uzvratila: Da, bilo je iznenađujuće. Nastavili smo se dopisivati i dogovorili da se u subotu vidimo u klubu gde smo se upoznali. I Tim je došao. Ali nije mi bilo neprijatno - nismo ni spomenuli naš izlet. Svu sam pažnju te večeri posvetila Alanu, a nakon toga počeli smo se viđati - bez Tima, koji je bio pun razumevanja za našu vezu. Potrajalo je sve dok nisam otišla iz Londona. Severnjaci su divni, otvoreni, bez predrasuda, sve ono što mi je trebalo za moju prvu trojku. I uopšte ne žalim zbog toga. Ispunila mi se želja - trojka sa devojkom koja mi se sviđala Biseksualka sam, a Marinu, prekrasno građenu devojku sa bojom kose između plave i crvene, upoznala sam još na prvoj godini faksa. Ali imala je dečka, vrlo zgodnog Sašu, koji mi nije bio preterano zanimljiv. Oboje su bili drugari sa mojim cimerkama pa su jedne večeri završili kod mene na piću iako one nisu bile u stanu. Pili smo votku sa red bullom, gledali tv blejali. Saša se odjednom okrenuo prema meni i upitao: Jesi za trojku sa nama? Mi bismo se malo zabavili... Nikad nisam učestvovala u nečem takvom, ali pristala sam. Bio je to način da konačno budem sa Marinom. I tako smo dogovorili susret u subotu u Marininu stanu. Provela sam sate birajući šta ću obući, naročito donji veš - htela sam impresionirati Marinu. Obukla sam pripijenu haljinu, navukla najlonke i obula štikle, a gaćice su mi bile ljubičaste sa čipkanim obrubom - kao što vidite, sećam se svakog detalja. Ali kod Marine atmosfera je bila malo čudna. Popili smo pivo, malo pričali, a onda je Saša upitao: Devojke, jeste spremne? Pokušala sam zvučati najkulerskije što sam mogla, ali jedva sam izustila: Da, naravno! U spavaćoj smo se Marina i ja spustile na krevet pa jedna drugoj počele skidati odeću, dok je Saša sedeo na stolici i gledao nas. Ostala sam u donjem vešu, Marina je bila potpuno gola i počela sam je ljubiti po celom tijelu. Bilo je fantastično - ako ne računam to što nas je njen dečko gledao. Saša nam se pridružio nakon nekoliko minuta. Skinuo je pantalone, a Marina ga je počela ručno obrađivati, pa onda oralno. Dok je moja glava bila među nnim nogama, Saša je uživao igrajući se njenim grudima. Potom su se počeli ljubiti, a Marina se - kao da ne postojim - popela na njega. Seksali su se, što sam i očekivala da će se dogoditi, ali nisam očekivala da će me toliko povrediti gledanje njihovog seksa. Pomislila sam - zar joj nije bilo dobro to što sam radila? Nakon što su oni oboje svršili, naša je igra završena. To je to - nema seksa za mene. Vratili smo se u dnevnu, seli pred tv, popili još nekoliko piva, a potom su oni otišli spavati. Zaspala sam na sofi, ali već u pet ujutro bila sam budna, pitajući se šta uopšte tu radim. Otišla sam bez pozdrava, povređena i jadna, i celi dan provela kući plačući. Nikada kasnije nisam osetila želju da učinim išta sa Marinom. Iskreno, kad pomislim na to večer, prvo čega se setim jeste to koliko sam se bezvredno osećala. Moje iskustvo sa seksi kolegom iz studentskih dana Živela sam u studentskom domu, a kako su u blizini teretana i sportski tereni, iskoristila sam priliku da upoznam hrpu sportista. Sa jednim od njih, Ivanom, imala sam najbolji seks u životu. Igrao je odbojku i bio malo koščat, ali toliko dobar u krevetu da nisam marila zbog manjka kilograma. Celu zadnju godinu studija provela sam sa njima, ali izgubili smo kontakt nakon diplome. Nekoliko godina kasnije išla sam kod drugarice sa faksa pa sam na Facebooku napisala da se radujem što ćemo se opet videti. Ivan je video moj post i napisao da bi me, ako želim, rado video. On mi je sinonim za dobar seks pa zašto ne ponoviti? Bila je subota večer kad mi je stigla poruka da svratim kod njegovog drugara Matije na piće. Na vratima me dočekao Ivan, poljubili smo se i nešto kasnije počeli se dogovarati za odlazak u grad. Matija je stalno bio između nas i nije mi se sviđalo njegovo ponašanje. Ukapirala sam da ima dlakava ramena, a u očima mu je bio neki čudan izraz, kao da ima pakleni plan. Pogledala sam ga, potom Ivana i shvatila - žele seks u troje! Nije me začudilo - Ivan je voleo eksperimentirati, a osim toga, i dalje mi je bio napet pa zašto ne probati? Otišli smo u Matijinu spavaću sobu, Ivan i ja počeli smo se maziti i skidati odeću, a i Matija se pridružio. Okrenula sam se, gledala Matiju u lice koji se počeo igrati mojim grudima dok mi je Ivan bio iza leđa i milovao mi međunožje, a potom lagano odpozadi ušao u mene. Nagnula sam se i ustima pokušala zabaviti Matiju, ali nije mi išlo - bio je predaleko od mene. Nisam htela da Ivan prestane, a veliki Matijin penis činio mi se sve udaljenijim... Gubila sam kontrolu nad situacijom. Ivan je svršio i otišao u kupatilo, a ja sam ostala u krevetu sa nezadovoljenim Matijom i shvatila da me uopšte nije briga za njega. Ustala sam, rekla da mi je sve to bez veze, da uopšte ne želim biti tu, obukla sam se i otišla i ne pozdravivši ih. Ipak, bio mi je to jedan od ključnih trenutaka u životu: shvatila sam da zaslužujem samo najbolje. Divno je biti mlad, znatiželjan i otvorenih pogleda na svet, pa i na seks, ali dođe vreme kad očekujem poštovanje i ljubav od partnera, a ne da me deli poput vreće krumpira. Pokušaj trojke sa najboljom prijateljicom Dok sam studirala, živela sam u unajmljenom stanu sa najboljom prijateljicom Anom, koja je dugo išla sa Bojanom. Bio je kraj oktobra, a ja sam malo više popila. Kad sam se vratila u stan, Ana je bila na trećoj ili petoj votki pa smo onako polupijane počele čavrljati. Nisam ni skapirala da je Bojan u stanu dok nije izašao iz kupatila. Oh, čini se da je vreme da krenem, rekao je, ali nagovorile smo ga da ostane još malo. I onda smo započeli - bila je to jedna od onih tipičnih pijanih situacija. Sa Anom sam se pre nekoliko puta poljubila, uvek pod uticajem alkohola i na žurkama, najčešće da zagolicamo maštu momcima koji su nas ob želeli. Ali sada, u stanu, situacija je eskalirala. Svi smo se skinuli, a Bojan je prednjačio u brzini, ali i u predlozima. Anu je nagovorio da legne na leđa, a mene da joj se oralno posvetim. Nikada pre nisam to radila, ali mi se tad to činilo normalno. Nije mi se svidelo, a ni Ana nije pokazala oduševljenje. Bojan je predložio da zamenimo položaj, ali Ani se nije svidjelo i uskoro je napustila sobu. U tom je trenutku Bojan zauzeo njeno mesto i nas smo se dvoje počeli seksati. Ana se vratila u sobu, videla nas, Bojan je prestao, meni je bilo neprijatno... Rekla sam da idem spavati i - otišla. Bojan je prespavao kod nas i rano ujutro otišao. Ana mi je rekla da o prošloj večeri nikada nikome ne govorim, a ja sam obećala da neću. Ali priča se nastavila, i to na sasvim čudan način. Bojan je često spavao kod nas i noću se znao došunjati u moju sobu nakon što se seksao sa Anom. Meni je to bilo sasvim ok - željela sam seks, on je bio dobar u tome i tako je to trajalo do trenutka kad je rekao da želi biti sa mnom. Ustvari, i sviđao mi se. Nekoliko večeri kasnije pijani se Bojan otvorio Ani: Moramo raskinuti. Izlazim sa tobom samo kako bih se mogao seksati sa tvojom cimerkom. Nimalo iznenađujuće, rekla mi je da mi više ne može verovati niti mi biti prijateljica pa više nikada nije razgovarala sa mnom. On je nastavio dolaziti, Anu je ignorisao, a ona se nakon nekoliko nedelja odselila. Izlazila sam sa Bojanom dve godine. Raskinuli smo jer sam se odselila, a on nije bio za vezu na daljinu. Izgubila sam većinu drugova sa faksa - nisu imali razumevanja za to što sam učinila. Kad se prisetim toga, osećam se grozno zbog toga što sam učinila Ani. Ne očekujem da mi oprosti, ali od sveg srca priznajem - nikada više ne bih učinila tako nešto. Nema muškarca koji nije pomislio na seks sa dve devojke. Međutim, za mnoge sve ostaje samo u mislima jer devojke ne žele da učestvuju u ovoj fantaziji. Ako ipak želite da joj to predložite... Šta je u osnovi nekontrolisanog besa koji nas preplavi kada pomislimo da nam je voljena osoba... Star Wars, a incident s prdenjem od prošloe nedelje... Naravno, osmeh od stotinu volti razdraganog čoveka jeste dragocen. Međutim, to važi samo onda kada je u pitanju prava stvar. Usiljeni osmesi izgledaju samo tako - usiljeno... Orgazmi, da, ali takođe, i prvi trenuci, prvi neuspesi i vrlo originalni grehovi. Ovde otkrivamo 25 takvih stvari da te zagolicaju i poduče. Sigurno znate onaj vic kada na pustom ostrvu naš junak, zvaćemo ga Perica... Otvoreno reci šta planiraš Ne želiš ozbiljnu vezu, viđate se samo zbog seksa - reci odmah na početku kako bi bio siguran da oboje... Svaki treći muškarac priznao je da seks izbegava jer mu partnerka više nije uzbudljiva! U istraživanju koje je... Više od trećine mladih u svetu upražnjava seks bez zaštite, pokazuju rezultati istraživanja... Naučnici su ustanovili da žena, kada vodi ljubav, luči dvostruko veću količinu hormona estrogena, koji kosu čini sjajnom, a kožu mekom. Da, dobro ste čuli: posmatranje sopstvenog i partnerovog tela u ogledalu sigurno će učiniti da situacija postane još vatrenija. Savremeno čovečanstvo poslednjih decenija stiglo je do ćorsokaka na ovom polju i sve je već deža vi. A ipak, stid, strah, zbunjenost... Malo povremene gubosti u seksu može dodatno da uzbudi partnere i doprinese kvalitetnijim seksualnim onosima. Pa ipak, i tu treba imati granice, jer ako se pretera... Mnogi bivši zavisnici od nikotina i duvanskog dima postali su pobornici zdravog života, koji ne uključuje stalnu obavezu kupovine i trošenja različitih vrsta cigareta. Doprinosi dobrom raspoloženju, samopouzdanju, lepšem izgledu i jačem imunitetu. Seks dokazano deluje kao antidepresiv, smanjuje stres, opušta i pozitivno utiče na izgled kože. Međutim, radi njegovog zdravlja i drugih dobrobiti, ova tema je neminovnost. Ona treba da bude otvorena i iskrena do kraja, ma koliko da je roditeljima neprijatna. Čašica alkohola tu i tamo neće...

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Ne mnogo potom me ugize jako za rame i poce da se stresa kao da je udarila struja svrsavajuci. Ali deset dana je prohujalo tako brzo. Nemogu sebi da objasnim zasto i sada kada sam relativno stariji u njenoj blizini uvek del erekciju. Ipak, bio mi je to jedan od ključnih trenutaka u životu: shvatila sam da zaslužujem samo najbolje. U glavi mi je bio haos, ali kada je pala noc bio sam cvrsto resen da preuzmem nesto, jer vise nisam mogao da se obuzdam. Bojan je često spavao kod nas i noću se znao došunjati u moju sobu nakon što se seksao sa Anom. Cak se i ne okrecuci svuce majicu ispred mene i osta u crnom cipkastom brusu koji joj se prilemio od znoja za grudi.

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Katniss' thoughts are in turmoil; she is conflicted about her feelings for Peeta and is incapable of sorting out what felt real and what didn't. It topped the home video sales chart for the week ending on March 27, 2016.

Some material may be inappropriate for pre-teenagers under 13. The Hunger Games universe is a set in , a country consisting of the wealthy Capitol and 12 districts in varying states of poverty.

Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 2 Release Date, Cast News, and Rumors: Are Katniss and Peeta Over? - Retrieved January 13, 2016. It was nevertheless released in 3D formats in overseas markets, including China.

The novels have all been developed into starring , with the film adaptation of Mockingjay split into two parts. The first two books in the series were both , and Mockingjay topped all US bestseller lists upon its release. By the time of The Hunger Games was released in 2012, the publisher had reported over 26 million Hunger Games trilogy books in print, including movie tie-in books. The Hunger Games universe is a set in , a country consisting of the wealthy Capitol and 12 districts in varying states of poverty. Every year, children from the districts are selected to participate in a compulsory televised death match called. The novels were all well received. In August 2012, the series ranked second, exceeded only by the series in 's poll of the top 100 teen novels, which asked voters to choose their favorite young adult books. On August 17, 2012, announced The Hunger Games trilogy as its top seller, surpassing the record previously held by the Harry Potter series. As of 2014 , the trilogy has sold more than 65 million copies in the U. The Hunger Games trilogy has been sold into 56 territories in 51 languages to date. Main article: The Hunger Games trilogy takes place in an unspecified future time, in the dystopian, nation of Panem, located in. The country consists of a wealthy Capitol city, located in the , surrounded by twelve originally thirteen poorer districts ruled by the Capitol. The Capitol is lavishly rich and technologically advanced, but the districts are in varying states of poverty. The trilogy's narrator and protagonist , lives in District 12, the poorest region of Panem, located in , where people regularly die of starvation. The purposes of the Hunger Games are to provide entertainment for the Capitol and to remind the districts of the Capitol's power and lack of , , and for the failed rebellion of the current competitors' ancestors. Structure Each book in The Hunger Games trilogy has three sections of nine chapters each. Collins has said this format comes from her playwriting background, which taught her to write in a ; her previous series, , was written in the same way. Origins Collins says she drew inspiration for the series from both classical and contemporary sources. Her main classical source of is the Greek myth of and the , in which, as a punishment for past crimes, forces to sacrifice seven youths and seven maidens to the Minotaur, which kills them in a vast. Collins also cites as a classical inspiration the Roman games. She feels three key elements create a good game: an all powerful and ruthless government, people forced to fight to the death, and the game's role as a source of popular entertainment. A contemporary source of inspiration was Collins' recent fascination with. She says they are like The Hunger Games because the Games are not just entertainment but also a reminder to the districts of their rebellion. On a tired night, Collins says that while she was channel-surfing the television, she saw people competing for some prize and then saw footage of the. Main article: The Hunger Games is the first book in the series and was released on September 14, 2008. The Hunger Games follows 16-year-old , a girl from District 12 who volunteers for the 74th Hunger Games in place of her younger sister. Also selected from District 12 is. They are mentored by their district's only living victor, , who won 24 years earlier and has since led a solitary life of. Peeta confesses his longtime secret love for Katniss in a televised interview prior to the Games. This revelation stuns Katniss, who harbors feelings for , her friend and hunting partner. In the arena, Katniss allies with , a young tribute from District 11 who reminds Katniss of her kid sister. When Rue is killed, Katniss places flowers around her body as an act of defiance toward the Capitol. Then the remaining tributes are alerted to a rule change that allows tributes from the same district to win as a team. Katniss finds a seriously wounded Peeta and nurses him back to health. When all of the other tributes are dead, the rule change is abruptly revoked. With neither willing to kill the other, Katniss comes up with a solution: a double suicide by eating poisonous berries. This forces the authorities to concede just in time to save their lives. During and after the Games, Katniss develops genuine feelings for Peeta and struggles to reconcile them with what she feels for Gale. Haymitch warns her that the danger is far from over. The authorities are furious at being made fools of, and the only way to try to allay their anger is to pretend that her actions were because of her love for Peeta. On the journey home, Peeta is dismayed to learn of the deception. Catching Fire Main article: Catching Fire is the second installment in the series, released on September 1, 2009. In Catching Fire, which begins six months after the conclusion of The Hunger Games, Katniss learns that her defiance in the previous novel has started a chain reaction that has inspired rebellion in the districts. President Snow threatens to harm Katniss' family and friends if she does not help to defuse the unrest in the districts and marry Peeta. Meanwhile, Peeta has become aware of Katniss' disingenuous love for him, but he has also been informed of Snow's threats, so he promises to help keep up the act to spare the citizens of District 12. Katniss and Peeta tour the districts as victors and plan a public wedding. While they follow Snow's orders and keep up the ruse, Katniss inadvertently fuels the rebellion, and the pin she wears becomes its symbol. District by district, the citizens of Panem begin to stage uprisings against the Capitol. Snow announces a special 75th edition of the Hunger Games—known as the —in which Katniss and Peeta are forced to compete with other past victors, effectively canceling the wedding. At Haymitch's urging, the pair teams up with several other tributes, and manages to destroy the arena and escape The Games. Katniss is rescued by the rebel forces from District 13, and Gale informs her that the Capitol has destroyed District 12, and captured both Peeta and their District 7 ally,. Katniss ultimately learns—to her surprise—that she had inadvertently been an integral part of the rebellion all along; her rescue had been jointly planned by Haymitch, , and , among others. After some hesitation Katniss joins the rebels. Mockingjay Main article: Mockingjay, the third and final book in The Hunger Games series, was released on August 24, 2010. Most of the districts have rebelled against the Capitol, led by District 13 and its President. The Capitol lied about the district being destroyed in the Dark Days. After a with the Capitol, the District 13 residents took to living underground and rebuilding their strength. The District 12 survivors find shelter with them. She sets conditions, however. Peeta, Johanna Mason, , and , fellow Games victors captured by the Capitol, are to be granted immunity. Katniss also demands the privilege of killing Snow, but Coin only agrees to flip for the honor. For her sake, a rescue mission is mounted that succeeds in rescuing Peeta, Johanna and Annie. However, Peeta has been to kill Katniss, and he tries to choke her to death upon their reunion. He undergoes experimental treatment to try to cure him. After she recovers, Katniss and a team known as the Star Squad, composed of Gale, Peeta, Finnick, a , and various other soldiers, are assigned to film propaganda in relatively quiet combat zones. Katniss, however, decides to go to the Capitol to kill Snow, pretending that Coin gave her that mission. Most of the squad are killed along the way, including recently married Finnick. As Katniss approaches Snow's mansion, she sees a group of Capitol children surrounding it as. Suddenly a hovercraft drops silver parachutes on the children, who reach for them, hoping they bear food. Some of the parachutes explode, creating carnage. The advancing rebels send in , including Prim. Then the rest of the parachutes blow up, killing Prim, just as she spots her sister. Later, Katniss, also injured, awakens from a to learn that the rebels have won, and Snow is awaiting execution at her hands. When she meets Snow by chance, he claims that it was Coin who secretly ordered the bombings in order to strip away the support of his remaining followers. Coin then asks the surviving victors to vote on a final Hunger Games, involving the children of high-ranking Capitol officials including Snow's granddaughter. Katniss and Haymitch cast the deciding votes in favor of the scheme. However, at what is supposed to be Snow's execution, Katniss instead kills Coin with her bow. Snow laughs, then dies. Katniss is tried, but the jury believes she was mentally unfit, and she is sent home to District 12. Both Katniss' mother and Gale take jobs in other districts. Peeta regains his sanity. Katniss settles down with him, and after many years of persuasion by him, she finally agrees to have children. They have a girl and then a boy. Critical reception All three books have been favorably received. Praise has focused on the addictive quality, especially of the first book, and the action. Catching Fire was praised for improving upon the first book. Mockingjay was praised for its portrayal of violence, world building, and romantic intrigue. Adaptations Film adaptations Main article: acquired worldwide distribution rights to a film adaptation of The Hunger Games, produced by 's Color Force production company. Collins adapted the novel for film herself, along with director. The cast included as Katniss, as Peeta, and as Gale. The first film began production in Spring 2011, and was released in March 2012. For , Ross was replaced as director by ; the film was released in November 2013. Lawrence then directed Mockingjay, parts 1 and 2, released in November 2014 and November 2015. Culture Influence in Thailand A gesture a raised up hand with three middle fingers pressed together used in The Hunger Games trilogy to express unity with people striving to survive, was used in 2014 by anti-government protestors in , at least seven of whom were arrested for it. Retrieved December 31, 2009. Retrieved May 7, 2011. Retrieved April 11, 2012. Retrieved August 10, 2012. The New York Times. Retrieved March 3, 2015. Retrieved June 15, 2010. Retrieved September 4, 2010. Retrieved September 4, 2010. Retrieved November 26, 2010. Retrieved November 26, 2010. Retrieved January 3, 2011. The New York Times. Retrieved November 26, 2010. Retrieved November 26, 2010. Archived from on August 26, 2010. Retrieved November 26, 2010. Retrieved October 7, 2014. Archived from on July 2, 2012. Retrieved November 26, 2010. Retrieved November 26, 2010. Fernandez; Borys Kit March 17, 2009. Retrieved January 4, 2011. Retrieved September 4, 2010. Archived from on December 4, 2010. Retrieved January 2, 2011. Weinstein March 16, 2011. Retrieved March 17, 2011. Retrieved April 4, 2011. Lionsgate announced that the trilogy will be made into 4 movies. Retrieved January 26, 2011. Retrieved January 26, 2011. Archived from on July 2, 2012. Retrieved June 30, 2010. Retrieved April 10, 2012. Retrieved February 7, 2012. Retrieved 6 March 2015.

The Hunger Games
Has pea green skin. Katniss runs to retrieve hers, a bag small enough to fit her wrist labeled with a 12. The dates are set. Retrieved August 27, 2014. Retrieved Between 27, 2012. The advancing rebels send inincluding Prim. He disappeared during the first part of the Games. When Rue is killed, Katniss places flowers around her body as an act of defiance toward the Capitol. The Capitol lied about the district being met in the Dark Days. The first book originally had a 50,000 first printing which was then increased, twice, to 200,000 copies. Seeing Rue dead and angry that the Capitol enjoys watching innocent children die, Katniss grabs flowers and decorates Rue's hunger games release date with them, hiding the wound and difference them into her hair.

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